Constitution & By Laws


Mustangs On The Move SA was founded, and Incorporated on 11th April 2005.

The objectives of the Club are to:
(a)    Promote and foster the Ford Mustang through its members.
(b)    To implement activities which ensure that members will pursue the restoration and preservation of the historical integrity of the Ford Mustang
(c)    Conduct meetings and activities involving the car and members in a friendly and social environment.
(d)    Be a conduit for information sharing between members to promote integrity in the Mustang and enabling members to maintain their vehicles to a high standard.
(e)    Actively support by way of an annual donation a local charity.

pdfMOTM Club Registration Procedures V2

pdfMOTM Constitution

pdfMOTM Grievance Policy

pdfMOTM Membership – Death of a Member